For Such A Time as This June 24, 2020 – Dennis Lohr

To the Good Folk of the Palmyra Church of the Brethren,

Joys and Concerns

If you have a joy or concern you would like us to share and pray about, please call, text or email it to me.  If you would like it included in our Sunday Worship sharing and prayer time, please share it with me that week by Friday morning.

A Joy

·  Congratulation to Scot and Deb Blouch, who became grandparents again on Sunday!  Conner Andrew Cook, was born on June 21 to Maggie (Blouch) and Andrew Cooke, and little sister Hannah.  Conner was 6 lbs 7 ozs, 20” long.  All are doing well.

Thank You: 

To all who call others to check in on them and share our emails and devotions.

Today’s Devotion:

I have written today’s devotion.  I hope you find it meaningful.

Shalom, Dennis

Scripture - I Thessalonians 5:11

Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.


It is so easy to get discouraged these days!  Restrictions, disruptions to our schedules, and isolation can all take their toll on us.  The extra energy required to adapt, figure out new ways of doing things, and some days just keep on going can leave us depleted.  We miss family and friends.  We miss hugs and handshakes and simple human contact.  We worry about each day, about the unknown future, and about how the people we love are getting along.  And the news is scary.  We turn it on to be informed, but it draws us into issues and conflicts that are real, but also complex, not easily resolved, and charged with anger, frustration, ignorance, and spin.  It is so easy to get discouraged.

So, what do we do?  Paul invited the Good Folk of Thessalonica to “encourage one another and build each other up.”  Oh my gosh, how simple!  Paul wasn’t one to bury his head in the sand about anything, but he also understood how overwhelming and discouraging life can become.  It wasn’t easy for folks in Paul’s day either.  So, he reminded them that they had each other to lean on and that they had each other to care for. 

It’s an interesting thing that when we seek to encourage and build others up, we become encouraged and feel a bit stronger ourselves.  Scientifically it has to do with brain chemistry and something called endorphins.  So, take a moment – who in your world could use a call, or a card, or a text, or an email, or a prayer, or safely distanced in-person yard visit?

Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.


Gracious God, thank you for each other!  Nudge us to nudge one another with encouragements.  Amen.



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