For Such A Time as This May 30, 2020 – Tim Speicher

To the Good Folk of the Palmyra Church of the Brethren,
Reopening the Church Task Team Appointed
As Lebanon County moves into the “Yellow” phase, our church family is asking when we will be able to attend worship services together once again. The first priority of the Palmyra Church of the Brethren is the health and safety of its participants and staff. To that end, there is currently NO SCHEDULED DATE FOR THE REOPENING OF THE CHURCH BUILDING. The Executive Committee approved the formation of a task team to discern and coordinate the reopening of our church. This task team of seven people is made up of the following:
Representatives from:
Education Team – Melanie Hartman
Pastoral Relations Team - Bonnie Rhoads
Properties Team - Art Gingrich
Worship Team – Elaine Hoffer
Executive Committee - Dennis Lohr
Hospitality Team - Bethany Hoffer
Health and Wellness Team - Carolyn Buffenmeyer
The team has already met twice and is actively working on answering the questions related to bringing us back together for in-person worship services. With this goal in mind, you can expect to receive a brief survey regarding the reopening of the church. We feel that it is vital that we receive input from our active participants and hope that all will take the time to share their thoughts and feelings about resuming gatherings. All active participants will also receive a more detailed letter in a few weeks with updates on the activities and plans of the task team.
  • As we explore what church will “look like” in the coming months, please note that:
  • Masks will be worn and social distancing guidelines of 6 feet will be followed.
  • Entry into and out of the church building will be limited.
  • Access to non-worship service areas of the church, including some restrooms, will be limited.
  • No small groups or gatherings will be allowed in the building or parking lot.
  • Pews will have limited seating and be free of hymnals, Bibles and attendance pads.
  • In lieu of passing the plate, there will be a designated offering spot.
  • Hand sanitizer will be made available throughout the sanctuary.
  • Those who are over the age of 60 or who are immunocompromised will be encouraged to worship remotely.
  • Childcare will not be immediately available. Children’s activity bags will be removed.
  • We are exploring alternative options for gatherings.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of the task team.
Sunday Worship Service
Tomorrow morning, around 8am, you will receive an email with a link to this Sunday's Worship service.  Our worship times in May will hopefully remind, challenge, and encourage us as we continue this journey through a COVID-19 world.  This Sunday I will be preaching on the topic “The Best Is Yet to Come.” The service includes some great music, a time of sharing, and prayers.  Please join us as we gather in spirit through our virtual worship service. 
Pray for the Concerns of
Jose Aponte, Jill Speicher, Jean Summers
Praying for Each Other
Everyone in our church is given a special day to receive prayers from their fellow Christians. Let us take a moment this week to hold the following persons in our prayers. 
Sunday – Mike & Lisa Gingrich
Monday – Alma Heisey
Tuesday – Carol Lentz
Wednesday – Paul & Pat Miller
Thursday – Evelyn Rhoads
Friday – Joel Smith
Saturday – Dave Wagner
Joys and Concerns
If you have a joy or concern you would like us to share and pray about, please call, text or email it to me.  If you would like it included in our Sunday Worship sharing and prayer time, please share it with me that week by Friday morning.
Thank You: 
To all who call others to check in on them and share our emails and devotions.
Today’s Devotion:
I am thankful to Tim Speicher for providing today’s devotion.  Tim puts into words and then deepens what so many of us are feeling.  If you wish to respond to Tim directly, his email address is
Philemon 7
I have indeed received much joy and encouragement from your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, my sisters and brothers. (NRSV)
I found it!!  A wonderful verse to express my gratitude to all who have been preparing these daily devotions for the Palmyra congregational family.  While these words were Paul’s expression to one specific person, let it be an affirmation of appreciation to all writers to whom I have not individually responded. Thank you for your refreshment of the heart throughout this time of gut-wrenching uncertainty.
Wait a moment…the original Greek for what we refer to as heart literally means “viscera” or “guts” as the site of the emotions.  Our word compassion comes from that Greek root, too.  For Paul’s time, the heart was the site of understanding.  Over time, the base of understanding moved from the heart to the mind and the base of emotions moved up from the gut to the heart.  That leaves the gut to handle tough issues of nervousness and agony, i.e., punched in the gut, your gut feelings, what does your gut tell you?  This explains my behavior when I feel anxious and reach for comfort food – I’m feeding my gut!! 
Bottom-line, it is all connected, mind, heart and gut.  Our body is one united being, made in the image of God.  This brings to mind Paul’s use of the body as a metaphor for the unity of the church in 1 Corinthians 12.  All parts work together. What is that verse again?  “I have indeed received much joy and encouragement from your love, because the guts (and heart and mind) of the saints have been refreshed through you, my sisters and brothers.”
Our God, Thank you for the gift of devotions which guide us in meditation so that our entire being can let go of tension and rest awhile in calming reflection.  Bless all the writers and preparers of these daily treasures.  The times are getting tougher with extended precautions and strong opinions as to what are appropriate next steps in our society’s journey.  With the faith of Abraham and Moses in the wilderness, we hope for a renewed land of prosperity for all in heart and soul, mind and body.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.



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